
Learn how to increase blog traffic with six proven tips and strategies.

Are you tired of pouring your heart and soul into your blog, only to hear crickets? Are you wondering, how to increase your blog traffic? I know the feeling all too well. For years, I struggled to gain traction with my blog, wondering why my content wasn’t reaching the audience it deserved. But then, I made a few strategic changes, and everything changed. In just two months, I managed to double my blog traffic, and today, I’m excited to share my journey and the actionable tips that made it possible.

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blog traffic tips

RELATED: How To Start a Blog

Back in 2023, I started my blog just for fun. As a stay at home mom of 3, I felt like I needed something for myself and blogging is something I’ve always been interested in. So I thought WHY NOT?! But soon, I got really into the idea of making it bigger, learning the ins and outs, and even making money from it.

The most important thing I learned is that you have to GROW your blog to make money from it. But here is the TRUTH– growing it can take a lot of time, a lot of patience and it can be tough. I tried lots of things and felt frustrated when I didn’t see results. I felt like I had good content, my format and lay out was nice but all I heard was crickets. But then, I got serious about it, stuck to a plan, and now see my traffic doubling every month. I want to share what is working for me with you!

How I Doubled My Blog Traffic Two Months in a Row: 6 Actionable Tips

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blog traffic
blog traffic

If you take a look at the data you can see that I went a loooooooong time with crickets UNTIL I put these actions in place. Once I started consistently incorporating these strategies my traffic TOOK OFF. I was STUCK in a plateau but then I went from 1,420 views in February to 4,365 views in March! A 207% increase! The best part– this is just the beginning!! In April I was up to 9,028 views— can you believe that number in JUST TWO MONTHS? As I write this post, we are only half way in May so I’m staying right on track! Here are my BEST tips for boosting your traffic!

Pinterest Is a Must!:

Pinterest isn’t just another social media platform—it’s a goldmine for driving traffic to your blog. In fact, nearly 75% of my blog traffic comes from Pinterest. Unlike Google, where it’s hard for new bloggers to get noticed, Pinterest operates more like a search engine. People scroll and scroll, making it easier for your content to be discovered. If you’re not on Pinterest, you’re missing out big time. Trust me—Pinterest is key.

Utilize Tailwind for Scheduling:

Tailwind has been a game-changer for me when it comes to scheduling and publishing my Pinterest pins. It helps me stay consistent by scheduling 2-3 pins a day, with at least one being a fresh pin. On high-traffic days like weekends, I up the ante to 4-5 pins. Tailwind also analyzes when my audience is most active and automatically publishes pins at the right time. It’s like having a personal assistant for your Pinterest strategy! Trust me when I say every successful blogger will tell you using Tailwind is a golden KEY to driving Pinterest traffic and makes it super convenient. The best part is Tailwind offers a free and paid version– check out Tailwind here!

Engage on Pinterest:

Beyond just pinning my own content, I actively engage on Pinterest by repinning content from other blogs. This not only helps me appear active but also drives traffic back to my blog. I’ve found that clicking through to the original website before repinning can potentially boost visibility, as Pinterest considers it a fresh pin. It’s a simple tactic that’s been working wonders for my traffic growth.

Consistent Content Creation:

With three little ones to look after, finding time to blog can be challenging. But consistency is key. I commit to publishing at least one new blog post every week. Gone are the days of sporadic posting—now I brain dump all my ideas and pick one topic to focus on for the week. Sticking to a consistent posting schedule has made a world of difference in keeping my audience engaged and coming back for more.

Update Old Blog Posts Regularly:

Don’t let your old blog posts gather dust. I make it a point to update one old post every week to ensure it remains relevant and valuable to readers. Plus, I create fresh pins for these older posts to attract new traffic. It’s a simple yet effective way to breathe new life into existing content and keep my blog fresh.

Master Keyword Research:

Keywords are the secret sauce of successful blogging. I used to write posts without considering what people were searching for, and my efforts fell flat. Now, I use Pinterest’s trend analytics to identify growing trends and align my content with what people are actively searching for. For example, I have a list of keywords (topic ideas) that I want to write about and then I plug it in to see if there is any related growing trends on those keywords. This helps me gather a plan of what to write about that people are SEARCHING for. By collaborating my ideas with trending topics, I increase the chances of my blog posts getting noticed!

Doubling your blog traffic isn’t rocket science (although, I used to think so!) It’s about leveraging the right tools, staying consistent, and understanding what your audience wants. By implementing these six actionable tips, I’ve seen remarkable growth in my blog traffic—and you can too. So what are you waiting for? Start putting these strategies into practice today and watch your blog traffic increase!