We often think added sugar is found in our typical sweets such as cookies, cakes, donuts, etc. In reality, added sugar is all around us and is found in many common foods, even the ones that we may associate with “healthy” or foods that we may not even think twice about having sugar in it. Here are 6 surprising foods with hidden added sugar that may shock you.

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close up photo of sugar cubes in glass jar
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on


Most would assume yogurt is a healthy breakfast/snack choice, but honestly that depends. If not choosing the right brands, some yogurts have up to 20g of added sugar!

Condiments/Salad Dressings

So many bottled condiments and salad dressings have a lot of unnecessary added sugar (for example, ketchup). Be aware and always read the labels! You can always make your own salad dressings. Here are some of my homemade favorites:

Nut Butters

This includes peanut butter, almond butter! These can be a great keto and healthy staple item but you have to make sure what you are buying! Many nut butters have additional oils and sugars— stay away from all those! Choose a nut butter that has one ingredient— the nut itself!

Breakfast Cereal

Sadly, we know most cereals marketed towards kids are loaded with sugar. However, even the “healthier” ones we can see up to 10-20g per serving. Don’t be fooled by “healthy” advertising.

Granola Bars

Despite all the eye catching “healthy” packaging, granola bars typically have little to no nutrition value and have a high sugar content. I personally would swap out any granola bar for a good quality protein bar that is high in protein, low in sugar such as Quest.


This includes pasta, pizza, tomato sauces, bbq sauces, etc. Many brands load these items up with sugar as well! Make sure to read those ingredients!


➡️Stay away from “low fat” of these items, many times people think they are making the right choice by this, but typically low fat items overcompensate with the sugar to enhance flavor.

➡️Sugar isn’t always labeled as sugar on the ingredients. There’s over 50 different names for sugar— that’s why it’s so easy for them to be hidden!

A few of my recommended products with minimal or no sugar:

If you are needing help with reducing your sugar intake

you can read my 7 Tips To Reduce Sugar in Your Diet.