lunch box notes for kids

Lunch box notes for kids are a small but powerful way to show your love and support throughout their school day. In this post, we’ll explore why these notes matter, share tips for creating them, and provide ideas for encouraging, cute, and funny messages to brighten your child’s lunchtime.

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lunch box notes for kids

My oldest is about to start Kindergarten and leaving notes in my children’s lunch box has always been something I wanted to do! When I worked in the schools as an elementary school counselor I always loved helping out at lunch time. It was a great way for me to get to know and connect with the kids, be visible to them outside of my office. And I can always remember helping the kids with their lunches and the notes parents would leave them. It would brighten my day just seeing and reading them and I know it did theirs too!

These small gestures can bring a big smile to your child’s face and make lunchtime a moment of joy and connection. So I put together some ideas and tips for creating adorable lunch box notes for your kids and my soon to be kindergartener!

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Why Lunch Box Notes Matter

Lunch box notes are more than just a piece of paper; they are an expression of your love and thoughtfulness while your child is away at school. These notes can:

  • Boost Your Child’s Mood: A sweet message can turn a tough day around and give your child a boost of confidence.
  • Strengthen Your Bond: Personalized notes remind your child that you are thinking of them, even when you are apart.
  • Encourage Positive Behavior: Notes with encouraging words can reinforce good behavior and values.

Tips for Making Lunch Box Notes

  • Personalize It: Use your child’s name and tailor the message to their interests and activities.
  • Keep It Short and Sweet: A few words or a simple sentence can have a big impact.
  • Get Creative: Use colorful pens, markers, or printed templates. You can even involve your child in decorating the notes on the weekends.
  • Use Pre-Made Printables: If you’re short on time, there are plenty of free printable lunch box notes available online that you can quickly use– check them out here!
  • Laminate for Reusability: If you want to reuse the notes, consider laminating them so they can withstand the messiness of the lunch box.

Encouraging Lunch Box Notes

Encouraging lunch box notes can boost your child’s confidence and brighten their day. These little messages remind them they are loved and capable, giving them a positive boost during school.

You are brave, you are smart, and you can do anything!

Believe in yourself, and remember, you are loved.

Keep trying, and never give up!

You make me so proud every day.

Your smile can brighten anyone’s day!

Remember, mistakes are proof that you are trying.

You are stronger than you think.

Today is a great day to learn something new.

You have the power to make today amazing!

Be kind, be brave, be you!

You can do amazing things.

Your kindness makes the world a better place.

You are unique and special.

You are loved more than you know.

Your hard work is paying off.

You bring so much joy to everyone around you.

You have a heart of gold.

You are a fantastic friend.

You are a problem solver.

You are important and valued.

You are a superstar!

You can do anything you set your mind to.

You are amazing just the way you are.

Every day is a new adventure. Enjoy it!

You have the brightest smile.

You make me happy every day.

You are full of potential.

Your creativity is inspiring.

You are a great listener.

You are a shining star in my life.

Cute Lunch Box Notes

Simple cute lunch box notes add a touch of love to your child’s day. These sweet messages let them know you’re thinking of them and can make lunchtime extra special.

You are my sunshine, even on cloudy days!

You’re the apple of my eye!

You’re dino-mite!

You make my heart soar!

You’re a star! Shine bright!

You’re my superhero!

You’re a gem!

You’re my favorite reason to smile!

You make every day magical!

You’re the cherry on top of my day!

You’re my little champ!

You’re one in a melon!

You light up my life!

You’re my little sunshine!

You brighten my day!

You make my heart smile!

You’re a treasure!

You’re my little hero!

You’re my happy place!

You make the world a better place!

You are amazing just the way you are!

You’re my special little star!

You make every day wonderful!

You have a heart of gold!

You make my heart sing!

You’re my little ray of sunshine!

You are my greatest adventure!

You are a dream come true!

You make my life sparkle!

You fill my heart with joy!

Funny Lunch Box Notes

Make your child’s school day happier with a funny lunch box note. You can write your own or use these cute, funny premade notes I found on Amazon to make them smile at lunchtime.

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Because he was already stuffed!

Knock, knock. Who’s there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce have a great day!

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese!

What did the ocean say to the shore?

Nothing, it just waved!

Why did the bicycle fall over?

Because it was two-tired!

What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?


Why don’t skeletons fight each other?

They don’t have the guts!

What’s brown and sticky?

A stick!

Why was the math book sad? It had too many problems.

What do you call a sleeping bull?

A bulldozer!

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

Why don’t you ever see elephants hiding in trees?

Because they’re so good at it!

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?

Because it felt crumby!

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear!

Why did the student eat his homework?

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake!

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open!

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot!

How do you make a tissue dance?

Put a little boogie in it!

What did the big flower say to the little flower?

Hi, bud!

Why did the golfer bring extra pants?

In case he got a hole in one!

What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?

A thesaurus!

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honeycombs!

What do you get when you cross a cow and a trampoline?

A milkshake!

Why don’t some fish play piano?

Because you can’t tuna fish!

What did the left eye say to the right eye?

Between us, something smells!

How do you catch a whole school of fish?

With a bookworm!

lunch box notes for kids