self care for moms

Hey amazing moms out there! I feel you – the daily juggle of motherhood can be downright overwhelming. With three little ones underfoot, it often seems like there’s barely a moment to catch my breath. But let me tell you, taking some time for yourself can work wonders. I’ll admit, I sometimes fall short in the self-care department, but I’m continuously trying to make my self-care a priority. In this post, I’m happy to share not only 10 self-care ideas but also 10 things that have really made a big difference for me in balancing my busy life as a mom.

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self care for moms

Why is Self-Care Important for Moms?

Taking care of ourselves is so crucial in this mom journey. We all know it’s amazing, but let’s be real, it can also be super exhausting and stressful. When we take a little time for self-care, it’s like giving ourselves a recharge. It helps us handle all the mom stuff with more energy and positivity. Those moments of self-care make us more patient and better at dealing with whatever comes our way. Plus, it sets such a cool example for our kiddos about looking after themselves too. When we’re happy and well-rested, it makes a world of difference for our whole family. It’s not just about being a good mom; it’s about feeling good in our own skin. So, let’s remember, taking some time for self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a must for every mom out there. You deserve it!

1. Create a Morning Ritual: Rise and Shine!

Mornings are typically a whirlwind in my house especially with school back in session. But I’ve learned that setting my alarm just a tad earlier allows me to savor a few precious minutes of quiet time and to myself. I aim to do this everyday, but in reality it doesn’t always happen. When I do do it though, I am always so happy I did! Whether it’s getting a quick work out in or sipping on my coffee while reading my daily devotional, this sets a positive tone to begin my day.

2. Delegate and Ask for Help: Sharing is Caring

Let’s be real – supermom status is unattainable. Don’t hesitate to lean on your spouse, family, or friends. Sharing responsibilities not only lightens your load but is absolutely essential for your well-being.

3. Schedule “Me” Time

Remember that calendar you use for school events and doctor’s appointments? Well, it’s time to pencil in some “me” time too. Even if it’s just 30 minutes, use it for something that fills your cup. Whether it’s reading a book, solo shopping, or pursuing a hobby, make it a date with yourself. When you actually have it scheduled and planned, you’ll more likely actually stick to it. My “me” time is usually after the kids are in bed.

4. Stay Active: Move for Sanity

Exercise has become my go-to stress reliever. I’ve found quick home workouts that I can squeeze in are so beneficial to my mental and physical health! Even on the days that I don’t work out, I make it a priority to set a step goal to ensure I keep on moving.

5. Connect with Other Moms: Strength in Togetherness

Joining a mom support group, whether in person or online, has been a game-changer for me. Sharing experiences and stories with fellow moms creates a powerful support system. Personally, my social media presence on Facebook and Instagram has connected me with incredible moms worldwide. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey!

self care for moms

6. Simplify Your To-Do List: Mastering Mom Priorities

Mom guilt often makes us say “yes” to everything and makes us think we need to do all the things all the time.But I’ve learned to prioritize tasks and let go of the non-essential ones. I’ve developed single tasking instead of multi tasking and it makes things so much easier to solely focus on one thing at a time. Remember, saying “no” doesn’t make you a bad mom.

7. Healthy Eating Habits: Meal Planning Magic

Meal planning and prepping have become my lifelines. Figuring out meals ahead of time significantly reduces stress during meal times. Personally, I’ve found great help in using the Cozi app, where I can effortlessly create shopping lists and even add recipes to my meal plan. Check out Cozi for yourself here—a busy mom must have app! If you’re pencil and paper kind of gal, You can grab my free meal planners here! And don’t forget to keep healthy, on-the-go options stocked in the house for those extra busy days.

Cozi Family Organizer
weekly meal plan
weekly meal planner template

8. Unplug and Reconnect: Quality Over Screens

As much as I rely on my phone for my blog, I’ve learned the importance of putting it away during family time. Unplugging from screens allows me to be fully present with my kids, and their laughter is the best stress reliever.

9. Get Enough Sleep: Embrace the ZZZs

Don’t underestimate the power of sleep. After struggling with disrupted sleep cycles, I realized the importance of a good night’s rest. Make sleep a priority – it’s a game-changer for both your physical and mental well-being.

10. Practice Gratitude: Daily Dose of Positivity

Reflect on the things you’re grateful for. Incorporating this into my daily devotional has shifted my focus from stress to the positive aspects of life. I’ve been using this prayer journal and I absolutely love it! Consider keeping a gratitude journal – it’s a simple yet powerful way to maintain a positive mindset. You can grab my free daily gratitude printable here.

daily gratitude

You’re Well-Being Matters

From one busy mom of three to another, I want you to know that your well-being matters. Implementing these self-care hacks into your daily routine can make a world of difference. When you prioritize self-care, you become a happier, more balanced, and healthier mom, which ultimately benefits your whole family.

So, go ahead, take those moments for yourself. You’ve earned them. And remember, in the midst of the chaos, you’re doing an incredible job.

self care for moms