tips to reduce sugar in your diet

7 Tips to Reduce Sugar

In Your Diet

Did you know sugar is one of the hardest addictions to stop? It is literally around us EVERYWHERE. So how do you reduce sugar in your diet?

One of the best things I’ve ever done with my health is stabilizing my blood sugar so I’m not on a roller coaster all day long! Trust me– it changes the game!

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Here are some tips to help you cut down on sugar and be on your way to a healthier life!

1. When trying to decide what to cut out of your diet, remember the definition of added sugar. It is any sugar that does not occur in the product naturally, it is added after.

2. Know the different things they call sugar on food labels, among sugar’s aliases are sucrose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, honey, molasses, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, barley malt syrup, evaporated cane juice, and maltodextrin. There’s over 50 different names for sugar!

3. Don’t try to go “cold Turkey”, this is so important! Your body has been conditioned a certain way — communicate with it you could send your body in shock and end up eating even more sugar as soon as you give in to your cravings. Try rather reducing your sugar gradually.

4. A good place to start in general, not only because of the sugars but also other unhealthy substances, is to cut down on processed and packaged foods, the closer to natural, the healthier.

5. Start with a half and half approach, mixing half sweetened yogurt with half low sugar yogurt to adjust, or one sugar in your coffee instead of two so you can get used to the new taste. Small steps are okay too..

6. Remove the junk from your home. Out of sight- out of mind! If it’s not there, it can’t tempt you!

7. If you do love sweets you can find healthier alternatives that satisfy your cravings without all the nasty extras! My favorite chocolates are Lily’s & ChocZero products. I also enjoy baking sweets with Swerve, a healthy sugar replacement.

Need help with curbing sugar cravings? Try my favorite supplements that help with reducing sugar cravings and appetite control!

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